Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cancer and Sugar, Vitamin C, pH

http://180degreehealth.com for more. Challen Waychoff, RBTI practitioner, explains the relationship between sugar, insulin, vitamin C, urine pH, and cancer.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cancer and Sugar, Vitamin C, pH

Monday, March 30, 2015


ARE YOU WORRIED ABOUT EBOLA? Probably cause you don’t have much SCIENTIFIC DATA TO GO ON!!! Tonight @ 8 pm EST, we will be talking about this with Dr Maxwell Nartey Dhm DSym of Symptometry: Originator of Root Cause Therapeutics.

347. 205.9089 is the call in & below is just A LITTLE BIT of the fire that Dr Nartey brings to the table as a food scientist of over 30 years.

Below is a lecture by Dr. Maxwell Nartey, he is the founder of Symptometry and the American School of Symptometry. This lecture is to set the record straight about the Ebola virus outbreak. This explanation is not anywhere on the internet however, this is verifiable science and Symptometry is all about facts. These discoveries are not taught in medical schools therefore, physicians or non western trained physicians are unaware of the totality of these facts. All aboard……..



Dr. Maxwell Nartey, DSym, professor of Symptometry

American School of Symptometry

The Ebola virus

Ebola is a very selective forest virus. It only targets individuals who have its growth factors. These factors include lots of sugars, saturated fat, hydrocyanic acid, absence or low level of cobalt, thiamine and vitamin C in the tissues and very alkaline blood. Ironically, it is these growth factors that will make its toxin very virulent.

Ice cream and sodas have lots of sugars. Nuts have hydrocyanic acid and saturated fat. Chocolate, M&Ms and chocolate ice cream have saturated fat, strong sugars and ammonium hydroxide. Ammonium hydroxide makes blood very alkaline.

Ebola does not target pigmies, Bushmen and other indigenous forest dwellers in the Amazon forest, in Papua New Guinea, etc. It does not also target primates and forest animals because these forest dwellers do not feed on nuts, chocolate, and ice cream; and they do not drink sodas, alcohol, etc. Additionally, they have more muscle than saturated fat.

Humans, especially those who live in the rural areas close to the forest and have the Ebola growth factors, will become perfect Ebola targets.

Doctors and nurses who treat Ebola victims must make sure their blood is not too alkaline, they do not eat ice cream, nuts, pork and chocolate products; and they do not drink sodas and alcohol.

Also, they must have a high level of cobalt, thiamine and vitamin C in their tissues. If they do not fulfill these requirements, they could fall victim to Ebola.

Method of transmission

Ebola gets into a person through the nose or through the mouth. However, it will not infect the host unless he or she has its growth factors. A doctor, a nurse or a healthcare worker who has its growth factors will increase their chances of infection.

Pigmies, gorillas, etc. drink contaminated water all the time but Ebola does not infect them because they do not have its growth factors.

Symptoms of Ebola

Symptoms of Ebola vary from victim to victim. However, the common symptoms of Ebola infection are:

• Sore throat followed by very dry throat

• Fever

• Dry and tickling cough that releases the virus into the air. This is why Ebola victims are quarantined.

• Dehydration causing severe thirst and skin rash

• Indigestion causing stomach cramps and pain

• Loss of appetite

• Diarrhea in some; dysentery in others. All Ebola victims are quarantined so that their body fluids and wastes are not emptied into a stream or into a river thus increasing the possibility of infecting others

• Nausea

• Vomiting. Vomit from an Ebola victim must be properly disposed of and all equipments that are used in an Ebola facility must be sterilized.

• Severe headache

• Weakness or exhaustion

In order to survive an Ebola attack, Symptometry recommends that the victim should be de-wormed without delay so that the virus no longer has a staging area, a sanctuary and a macrophage in their body.

Also, foods that are high in sugar, citric acid, oxalic acid, cyanide, hydrocyanic acid and saturated fat should be avoided. Cobalt, vitamin C and thiamine should be taken daily.

A person who had giardiasis before he or she was infected by Ebola will die quickly. This is because the protozoon called giardia causes symptoms similar to those of Ebola. It is a blood test that will differentiate Ebola from giardiasis.

In order to prevent Ebola outbreaks in the future, all the carcasses in the forest will have to be buried or burned. It is unburied and unburned flesh that gives spontaneous existence to DNA and RNA viruses. Ebola should never be a mystery virus. Just avoid its growth factors.

© Copyright Symptometry 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication shall be reproduced, photocopied or copied and pasted without the written permission of Symptometry headquarters, Westchester, Illinois, USA.


Video Rating: 4 / 5


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Zinc? Vitamin C? Cold-FX? What actually works for treating a common cold

Zinc? Vitamin C? Cold-FX? What actually works for treating a common cold

Dr. Michael Allan, a family physician and professor at the University of Alberta, debunks some myths about treatment and prevention of the ever-annoying common cold
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Zinc? Vitamin C? Cold-FX? What actually works for treating a common cold

Friday, March 27, 2015

Lecture on vitamin C by brilliant Suzanne Humphries

Suzanne Humphries is a specialist in internal medicine and kidney disease from the US, The lecture is about the role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) for a variety of functions in the body and that there is research in health care often forgotten, denied and doubted. The Vitamin C is important for children and during pregnancy, in diseases of the cardiovascular, skeletal and skin and in cancer.

But should you take extra vitamin C? How much and in what quantity and shape? Are there dangers and problems with this? Can you get kidney stones from vitamin C? We all need vitamin C and it is most famous for its importance in the immune system. It is important as part of the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases. A common perception is that a rich foods contain enough vitamin C, but is it really? How much do we need? In what form should it be used? Is it good to take in higher doses in different diseases? Can it be combined with conventional medicine? It may be important to you and your health? Dr. Humphries has a historical perspective on vitamin C and its importance in various diseases, but also describes its role in health in general.

Source: http://www.ortomolekylar.se/2015/01/video-varfor-ar-vitamin-c-viktigt/
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Lecture on vitamin C by brilliant Suzanne Humphries

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Thomas Levy Trumpet Grammy Band 2014 Audition

Thomas Levy Trumpet Grammy Band 2014 Audition

Thomas Levy

Princeton High School

Princeton, NJ 08540

Cell Phone Number: (609)306-1270

E-mail: tomlevy11@gmail.com

Application Number: 123445279


1. Billie’s Bounce (Charlie Parker) 00:50

2. Ol’ Man Rebop (Floyd Wilson) 02:36

3. Memories of You (Andy Razaf/Eubie Blake) 05:56
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Thomas Levy Trumpet Grammy Band 2014 Audition

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cathcart"s Instructions on the Preparation of Vitamin C for I.V. Use.


Dr. Robert F. Cathcart III, MD, the world’s leading expert on intravenous vitamin C therapy explains how his private practice prepares sodium ascorbate powder (non acidic vitamin C) for intravenous infusion. The two part process is described: 1) first creating the stock solution, and then 2) filling IV bags with the desired dosage. This video is also supported by the following Cathcart paper: http://vitamincfoundation.org/www.orthomed.com/civprep.htm
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Cathcart"s Instructions on the Preparation of Vitamin C for I.V. Use.

Thursday, March 19, 2015




Monday, March 16, 2015

Vitamin C Hair Treatment Review

where i got the powder:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001E104E6/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

instagram: hold_on_till_may_
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Vitamin C Hair Treatment Review

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Cure on CBC News

PhaseI clinical trial of the intravenous vitamin C for cancer cure at the university of McGrill, Montreal.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Cure on CBC News

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ebola No Treatments?

Evidence that Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Probiotics are effective in helping with viral Infections.


Ebola No Treatments?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

IV Vitamin C Treatment

Vitamin C has an incredible number of health benefits, and much greater quantities can be absorbed intravenously than can be taken orally. This video discusses the advantages of IV Vitamin C treatment when combating a chronic illness.

IV Vitamin C Treatment

Monday, March 9, 2015

Dr. Rowen, MD Intravenous Vitamin C Helps Your Cells Heal Fast

To get your questions answered visit Dr. Rowen’s website http://robert-rowen-md.com. Type in your search words in the search box.

Dr. Rowen understands when to use allopathic, conventional, alternative, complimentary and oxidative medicine to help his patients heal and experience optimal health. Robert Rowen, MD, Editor Second Opinion Newsletter ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, hyperbaric oxygen valuable for healing and battle against microbial infections.

Dr. Robert Jay Rowen, a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Johns Hopkins University and graduate of the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine is internationally known for his work in the field of complementary/alternative/integrative medicine.

He is affectionately known as the “Father of Medical Freedom” for pioneering the nation’s first statutory protection for alternative medicine in 1990 in Alaska, against a concerted opposition from the organized medical community and an imported “quackbuster.”

A few years later, the Alaska governor appointed him to a term on the state medical board against overwhelming opposition from the medical establishment. His appointment was ultimately confirmed by the legislature with overwhelming public support.

The rare medical freedom he enjoyed in Alaska enabled him to greatly expand knowledge and experience in a multitude of disciplines and therapies not normally found in medicine.

Jumping into alternative medicine in 1983 through a practice in acupuncture, he quickly expanded to nutritional medicine, chelation therapy, oxidation therapy, homeopathy and herbal medicine, and took intensive training in neural therapy and prolotherapy to help treat and eliminate acute and chronic pain.

Alaska’s laws enabled him to work extensively with innovative cancer therapies, ozone, and ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy. He is internationally known and respected for training hundreds of open-minded physicians in these techniques from around the world.

In 2001, he became editor in chief of Second Opinion, one of the nation’s leading monthly publications revealing the frontiers of medicine. Thus, he reduced his practice load considerably to write and teach, and relocated from Alaska to California where he works part time with his like minded talented wife, Terri Su, MD at her Santa Rosa office, Radiant Health Medical Center, in the north Bay area.

He recently retired as the editor at Second Opinion. He is now teaching doctors and health workers world-wide oxidative medicine so they can successfully battle the emerging viruses like Ebola, SARS, and other dangerous viruses and bacteria that are decimating the population of the world.

You are cordially invited to journey with him into the frontiers of oxidative and integrative medicine. Dr. Rowen has authored numerous articles and some of which may be read online at http://robert-rowen-md.com.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Dr. Rowen, MD Intravenous Vitamin C Helps Your Cells Heal Fast

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Calcium is a deadly supplement

http://www.naturalhealth365.com features Jonathan Landsman and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD talking about the dangers of calcium supplementation. The scientific data clearly tells us that taking calcium supplements only increases your risk of death from all known degenerative diseases.

To hear the rest of this interview plus much more – join the NaturalNews Inner Circle, a monthly subscription – by clicking the link below:


Video Rating: 4 / 5

Calcium is a deadly supplement

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Thomas Levy Talks To Vitamin C Can Cure Coalition Part 3/9

Full version with the slides here: http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz/content/thomas-levy-vitamin-c-can-cure-presentation http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/u…

Listen to Interview with health Freedom NZ Spokeswoman Nicola Grace





In response to the 60 minutes story that exposed the amazing curing capabilities of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C The VCCCC has been launched

Thomas Levy Talks To Vitamin C Can Cure Coalition Part 3/9

Friday, March 6, 2015

Dr Thomas Levy Death by Calcium

Paul interviews Dr. Thomas Levy about his new book, Death by Calcium. It turns out we may need much less calcium than we thought, and in fact, too much calcium can cause disease.

Dr Thomas Levy Death by Calcium

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Intravenous Vitamin C as a Cancer Therapy

http://www.ihealthtube.com Dr. Murray Susser talks about the benefits of using intravenous vitamin C as a cancer therapy. He talks about the history of it and past successes. He also talks about how it works in the body to kill cancer cells. Want to receive the best free Natural Health email newsletter?

Click here: http://buff.ly/188s4c3

Intravenous Vitamin C as a Cancer Therapy

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Thomas Levy Talks To Vitamin C Can Cure Coalition Part 7/9

Full version with the slides here: http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz/content/thomas-levy-vitamin-c-can-cure-presentation http://www.thevinnyeastwoodshow.com/u…

Listen to Interview with health Freedom NZ Spokeswoman Nicola Grace





In response to the 60 minutes story that exposed the amazing curing capabilities of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C The VCCCC has been launched

Thomas Levy Talks To Vitamin C Can Cure Coalition Part 7/9

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thomas Levy lasne - Le grand jeu : peinture de la réalité, réalité de la peinture

Collége de France – Thomas Levy lasne

Le grand jeu : peinture de la réalité, réalité de la peinture

Claudine Tiercelin

Métaphysique et philosophie de la connaissance

Pour Thomas Lévy-Lasne, la peinture, c’est jouer un jeu plus grand que soi. Un jeu qui engage toute son existence. Un jeu à la fois physique, sensuel et intellectuel. Un jeu de chimie, de stratégie et de culture. Un jeu d’amour, d’humilité et de persévérance. Un jeu de maitrise, de hasard et de laisser-aller. Un jeu avec de la toile, des pinceaux, de la couleur en poudre, du bois, des liquides visqueux en tout genre, son corps et c’est tout. Il décrira les conditions de la pratique de ce jeu dont on modifie les règles selon son désir et où l’on peut se permettre de tricher.

Laetitia au lit, huile sur toile, 130 x 195 cm, 2012, Courtesy Galerie Isabelle Gounod, collection particulière

Thomas Lévy-Lasne est né en 1980 à Paris. Il vit et travaille à Saint-Ouen. Thomas Lévy-Lasne a travaillé cinq ans durant pour le critique d’art Hector Obalk. Il est représenté par la galerie Isabelle Gounod. Très attaché à l’histoire de la peinture, il peint à l’huile et à l’aquarelle des sujets réalistes variés de la vie contemporaine. Il travaille actuellement à la production de peintures pour l’adaptation cinématographique par Philippe Harel du roman de Michel Houellebecq, La Carte et le territoire.

Thomas Levy lasne - Le grand jeu : peinture de la réalité, réalité de la peinture